This application is for all extended stays over 29 days. Please fill out ALL the information below for faster approval.
If approved, we require the first month's rent (non-refundable) and a $250.00 deposit ($200.00 refundable and $50.00 non-refundable) to book the reservation. The deposit may be used toward the last month of electric or other unpaid dues. The rest will be refunded upon checkout.
We prorate the first month's rent but do not bill that until the 2nd month. Rent is due on the 1st of each month.
No refunds for early departure. (Application is required to rent the site).
RVs older than 10 years may require more info to approve.
Application may take up to 3 days to approve if a site is available. If no sites are available, you will get an email letting you know if your application was approved (or not) and will be added to our waiting list.
You MUST CHECK IN during business hours. (Please call if you need to arrange an after-hours check-in.)
We look forward to meeting you soon!